Most Developers Failed with this Senior-Level Python Interview Question

Nitin Sharma
4 min readOct 3, 2024


In Python, creating lists is straightforward, but there’s a subtle nuance in how different methods affect memory and performance. As a senior Python developer, you’re expected to understand these nuances, which can be the difference between writing efficient and inefficient code.

One common interview question that trips up many senior developers is about the differences between three common ways to generate a list.

The Question

You are given the following three ways to create a list in Python:

list1 = [0] * 3
list2 = [0, 0, 0]
list3 = [0 for i in range(3)]

At first glance, all of these lists appear the same:

print(list1, list2, list3)

# Output: [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0]

They each create a list with three zeros. But as a senior-level Python developer, you should be able to dig deeper into what’s actually happening behind the scenes.

The interviewer will ask: **What is the difference between these lists?**

You might think, “They all look the same; they must behave the same.” But this assumption would be wrong, especially when considering memory usage and efficiency.

Exploring the Difference with `sys.getsizeof()`

To illustrate the difference, let’s inspect the memory usage of each list using Python’s built-in `sys.getsizeof()` method, which returns the size of an object in bytes.

import sys
list1 = [0] * 3
list2 = [0, 0, 0]
list3 = [0 for i in range(3)]
print("sizeof list1: ", sys.getsizeof(list1))
print("sizeof list2: ", sys.getsizeof(list2))
print("sizeof list3: ", sys.getsizeof(list3))

The output might surprise you:

sizeof list1: 80
sizeof list2: 120
sizeof list3: 88

Even though all three lists contain the same elements, they don’t occupy the same amount of memory.

What’s Happening Behind the Scenes?

Let’s break down each approach to understand why this happens:

  • list1 = [0] * 3
    This method uses list repetition to create the list. Python creates a single `0` object and references it three times in the list. While this can be memory efficient in some cases, it also has a potential drawback: if the list contains mutable objects, modifying one object will affect all other references. In this case, since the `0` is an immutable integer, it’s safe, but this behavior can lead to unintended consequences with mutable objects.

Example of a mutable object issue:

list1 = [[0]] * 3
list1[0][0] = 1

# Output: [[1], [1], [1]]
  • list2 = [0, 0, 0]
    This is a manually defined list where each element is explicitly set. The list will have three distinct `0` objects, and there’s no risk of reference issues here. Each `0` is independent, so modifying one would not affect the others. However, this takes up more memory since Python is storing three separate objects.
  • list3 = [0 for i in range(3)]
    This approach uses a list comprehension, which is both Pythonic and memory-efficient. Although the memory usage is slightly larger than `list1`, list comprehensions are highly optimized in Python and generally faster when you need to generate more complex lists.

Memory and Performance

Memory Usage

list1 = [0] * 3: 80 bytes
list2 = [0, 0, 0]:120 bytes
list3 = [0 for i in range(3)] :88 bytes

Although all lists contain the same values, they occupy different amounts of memory. The manually defined list, `list2`, is the most memory-intensive, followed by the list comprehension (`list3`), and the least memory is used by the repeated list (`list1`).


List comprehension (`list3`) is generally faster than other methods for creating lists with more complex elements.
Repetition (`list1`) is quicker for simple, repetitive values, but it can cause issues when used with mutable objects.
Manual definition (`list2`) is clear and direct but less efficient for larger lists due to manual input.

Key Takeaways

As a senior Python developer, understanding how different list creation methods affect memory and performance is critical, especially when dealing with large datasets or performance-critical applications. Here’s a quick summary:

1. Use `[0] * n` for memory efficiency** when working with immutable objects and repetitive values.
2. Use list comprehensions for readable, scalable, and generally fast list generation, especially with complex data.
3. Avoid manually defining lists for large-scale or dynamic data creation, as it can be memory-inefficient.

Final Thoughts

When faced with a question like this in a senior-level Python interview, don’t just focus on surface-level answers like “the lists are the same.” Instead, demonstrate your deep understanding of how Python handles memory, performance, and object references. By showing that you can optimize list creation based on the specific needs of a project, you’ll demonstrate the high-level thinking required for senior Python roles.

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